Best free keyword research tool for Beginners — Digitally Groww

Digitally groww
4 min readMar 9, 2021

Find a perfect Keyword For SEO is Difficult for beginners because not all people invest a lot of money on paid Keyword tools to get more details and information.
So there is some free keyword research tool give you more information Like SEO Keyword, search volume, SEO Difficulty.

1.Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is the most trustable and free Keyword planner. it’s good for beginners to find keywords/Focus keyphrase for SEO.

How To use?

After creating a Google ads account click on Tools & Setting icon then click Keyword planner and then click Discover new keywords.

Write your blog subject
For example– My blog is about a free Keyword planner so I search it and get the results.

How to select the best keyword?

Select the keyword Which one has the best Average monthly searches, Low Competition.

Google keyword planner data is accurate than other tools.


It’s now a paid tool but you get some limited keyword search.
Use this trick
First Search your Keyword on google Keyword planner chose your keyword and then search the same keyword in ubersuggest to get more information about your keyword.

Goto ubersuggest official site Type your keyword, select country then search (if you get captcha then solve it)

previously my search keyword on google keyword planner is free keyword planner so use it for more information

There is more information I get from ubersuggest

VOL-The volume of search in a month
CPC-Cost per click (if you give an ad on google if someone click on your link then google charge the amount)
PD-Paid Difficulty
SD-SEO Difficulty( if it is under 25 then its good for SEO otherwise its hard to rank for Beginners)

3.Ubersuggest Chrome extension

This extension Do the same thing with more Related Keywords without no limit

4.Ahrefs Keyword Generator

It’s a paid tool but in the free version, you can get your keyword.
in the paid version, you can get more details about the keyword but in the free version, you also get some details like Difficulties, volume.

How to use it?

Type your keyword-chose the country where are you want to rank your blog-solve the captcha and you get the keywords.

Also get keyword for Bing, Youtube, Amazon(which type of product search mostly to write a blog or share affiliate link)

KD-Keyword Difficulty(if it is low and green then its good for SEO and (it could be changed according to a search of the keyword)
Volume-Average monthly searches(Monthly searches)
Updated– The date when the last check search engine result for a Keyword.

5.Answer The Public

On this website, you can find the title of the blog according to public search in search engines and also help to find out the keyword.

It gives you an idea to select what’s your title of the blog and the idea about your next blog.

If You use Yoast SEO then you get inbuild Semrush integration for keyword search but not like the premium version it gives some idea about search volume.

Also, some chrome extensions can help to find the best keyword.
Chrome extension’s for free keyword research tool

  • Keywords Everywhere
  • Keyword Surfer

Originally published at



Digitally groww

I write Blogs about WordPress Plugins details with pros and cons, and also about Digital marketing.